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 Gestalt therapy is a way of understanding and describing human experience so as to maximize awareness of creative possibilities. The foundations for this approach were presented in ‘Gestalt Therapy: Excitement and Growth in the Human Personality’, by Perls F., Hefferline R.F., Goodman P., 1951.Gestalt Therapy essentially offers support for the process of contacting and so creatively and aesthetically promotes awareness, presence and growth.There are many fields for its application: individual- and group development, psychotherapy, clinical psychology and psychiatry, organisations, arts, education, social and political activism.In the EAGT there are two professional sections:  


         Gestalt Therapists             Gestalt Practitioners In Organisations                  Become a  member                          



News from Office 

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NEW WEBPAGE : https://eagt.org/home



Preparations for the new GMM & GB have started!

+31 (0)20 2272567

Looking forward to seeing you soon!



























 NEWSLETTER.png    No 1 2023 


Dear friends and colleagues,

As we enter 2023, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to you for being part of our EAGT community.

2022 was another year of many sudden, unexpected events, a time of uncertainty, fear, but also hope for each of us.

Unfortunately, the expected and hoped-for peace and return to the old, pre-pandemic life is still not possible. Perhaps experiencing rapid cycles of change is our new here and now.This year has also been very difficult for many of us personally, whether through illness, the death of loved ones or other challenging events in our lives......Read on  


 All newsletters 






 Statement about the war in Ukraine

Tthe world, To all governments, To all conflicting parties in the war in Ukraine , To the press, To all individual and institutional members of EAGT

The Human Rights & Social Responsibility Committee  of EAGT  and General Board of the European Association of Gestalt Therapy, representing 26 European countries, meeting in Barcelona March 5th 2022, expresses their disgust at the war in Ukraine...


Read full statement here 




Independent on the mentioned deadlines in all vacancies the new deadline is:

September 4th, 2023

Vacancy Chair TSC 2023.docx
Vacancy Complaints Committee 2023.docx
Vacancy EEC 2023.docx
Vacancy GPO 2023.docx
Vacancy HRSR Committee 2023.docx
Vacancy PCQS 2023.docx
Vacancy Secretary 2023.docx
Vacancy Treasurer.docx

Find all at download Vacancies 

Approved proposal EAGT Climate Change and Biodiversity StatementClick here

For inquiries please contact Michal Lewandowski (michal.lewandowski@eagt.org) or climate@eagt.org  


Human Rights and Social Responsibility Committee

New Booklet available in English, French and Russian for free!


Being Close From a Distance

Online support for social activism worldwide by Gestalt therapists

March 2021

The purpose of this paper is multiple. On the one hand, it intends to provide reflections and operational tips for therapists who give online support to international human rights activists. On the other hand, some information included in the paper can be helpful for NGOs active in crisis situations that wish to improve their organizational styles and establish self-care protocols, initiatives and also regular training. ....... 



Letter to EU Commission 

To: President von derLeyen, EU Commission, Mr Charles Michel, President of the EuropeanCouncil, MsParaskeviMichou, Directorate-General for EuropeanCivilProtection and HumanitarianAid, Mr Janez Lenarčič, CommissionerCrisis management, EU Member States

Athens, August 17th. 2020


The European Association for Gestalt Therapy (EAGT) and its Human Rights and Social Responsibility Committee closely follows the dramatic developments in Belarus. We are deeply shocked at the violation of human rights, democratic principles and the violence and torture by the Belarus ‘government against its own inhabitants. The current crisis resulting from the total falsification of the election results is a horrible low point for 26 years of dictatorship in the person of Alexander Lukashenko.

 Here you can find the complete letter 


Message From EC 
As the world is turned upside down at least here in Europe and beyond, we want to connect with you as a sign of stability and continuity.
EAGT has been founded to support each other and to connect Gestalt colleagues around the world.
What is needed now is a big capacity for creative adjustments to the situation that neither of us has ever experienced before. Our societies, personal relations to friends and families as well as the heart of our modality – personal contact- to our clients seem to be disrupted.
The situation in different European countries and beyond is quite different, but still all of us are affected and have to adjust to new forms of contact by being distant and at the same time connected. 
EAGT provided a beautiful example of this attitude when we moved our March meetings from the Netherlands to an online platform well in advance before national governments even reacted- this still makes me very proud of our organization and is a sign of our ability to creatively adjust, sense into the future; to be in the present moment and at the same time develo.... Letters to all members Read On     ..... 


Stay well, take care of yourself and by this also of others, 
With warm wishes until we can be in the presence of each other again,
The EC of EAGT 



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GMM and GB: Intranett , voting and registration. (log on with your membership email)


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