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Continuous education and European Gestalt Certificates

A gestalt therapists education does not finish with the ending of the training program. There has to be further development as a professional. So Gestalt therapists need to continue their development. Also TI’s and NOGT’s will change and develop, as long they are evolving Organizations.

  • Certification of Gestalt therapists needs to be renewed each 5 years (read further below; individuals).
  • Certification of NOGT’s needs to be renewed every 5 years (read further below; NOGT’s).
  • Certification of TI’s programs needs to be renewed every 5 years (read further below ; TI’s)


Individual ordinary EAGT members have to participate in 100 hours of continuous education divided as following:

  • 20 hours of supervision;
  • 30 hours of congresses, seminars, courses, workshops;
  • 50 hours of intervision, participation in an group of colleagues around the own work as a therapist or teaching about Gestalt Therapy, writing about Gestalt Therapy, scientific work.

From the before mentioned activities written declarations are needed!

Re-registration requirements can be found here: click here

Re-registration is granted for 5 years and the re-registration fee is € 20,- which means you pay only € 4,= per year to meet the costs of administration, name on our website and for postage.

Opportunities to pay your fee are:

  • Via internet- or telebanking transfers, which are free of charge if the transfer goes from one SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) bank to another SEPA bank and if you use the option SEPA transfer in the internet banking programme. To check if your bank is a SEPA bank please click here. Download the PDF file (SEPA banken) from our website section payments. EAGT has an account at a SEPA bank!
  • Via PayPal. An invoice will be issued and sent to you via PayPal click here.

After a successful re-registration a new EAGT certificate will be send to you.


The application form and the re-registration form for NOGTs are the same. We ask for the following details and below a brief summary of this (all sent documents should be written in English) :

  • Registration data as: name, address, country, website e-mail etc.
  • Complete addresses of board members of the NOGT
  • Complete data of the EAGT representative as: name, address, country, website e-mail etc.
  • Membership ship categories of NOGT (1 category should meet the requirements of EAGT)
  • Statutes
  • Organizational structure of NOGT
  • Code of ethics (inclusive are complaints- and appeals procedure)
  • List of connected TI’s
  • List of contacts with other organizations
  • Financial documents/tariffs
  • In case there are other National Associations in your country, please describe your relationship to them
  • enclose documents which state that these associations support your association as the official NOGT

Re-registration fee is included in the yearly membership fee and is therefore raised with € 30,=.

After a successful re-registration a new EAGT certificate will be send to you.

Training Institutes:

As we wrote above ‘certification of TI’s programs needs to be renewed every 5 years’. You can find the re-registration form at section downloads .

Professional Organizations:

As we wrote above ‘certification of professional Organizations needs to be renewed every 5 years’.


All re-registration forms can be obtained in the Downloads section.

Designed by Jaroslav Jira