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  1. The applicant fills in the needed forms which can be found though this link  and send this together with his/her CV to the accredited TI;
  2. After checking the registration form + CV by the TI, the TI comes to a result:
    • Positive result: The accredited TI will send the applicant an invoice ;
    • Negative result: The accredited TI will send the applicant a letter in which the negative result is explained and with recommendations for the applicant so s/he can work on the missing details to finally obtain an ECP. The procedure will start from point 1 again.
  3. The accredited TI will receive per registered mail the ECP for the applicant;
    • EAP will send EAGT an e-mail with name and address of the applicant and EAGT will send the applicant a letter to invite the applicant to become also a member of EAGT.


To be eligible for an ECP one has to meet to below mentioned criteria:

- Your training program has to consists of a minimum of 1450 hours (if you wish for information concerning these hours, download our training standards paper form the Downloads section).

  • 600 hours of theory and methodology done in an experiential way (There has to be a minimum of 600 actual contact hours with at least 4 different trainers)
  • 150 hours of supervision
  • 400 hours of clinical practice
  • 250 hours of personal therapeutic experience
  • 50 hours personal preference

- If you are already an ordinary member of EAGT we will sign the notification form (ECP notification form – ECP award by grandparenting) for you.

When you meet these criteria follow the next step:

  1. you can fill in the application form
  2. send this form + needed additional information to NOGT (click here)
    • if there is no NOGT in your country, send the form directly to EAGT office
    • EAGT’s secretary will scrutinize the form + information and will give also a recommendation
    • The process is further the same, read further from point 4 (only the NOGT will not be involved in this procedure)
  3. The NOGT will scrutinize the form + information and will send the whole package to EAGT office with a recommendation
  4. EAGT’s secretary will scrutinize the form + information too and will give also a recommendation
  5. When as well the NOGT as EAGT secretary give their approval to the applicant, the secretary will inform EAGT office:
    1. The Office manager will send an invitation letter + invoice to become a member and an invoice just for the ECP application to the applicant if s/he is not yet a member of EAGT. When you decide to become a member we will not charge you for scrutinizing the form, when you decide not to become a member we will charge you for € 50,=
      1. EAGT receives payment which states the applicant will become a member (click here for further procedure)
      2. Secretary will sign the notification form (ECP notification form – ECP award by grandparenting)
      3. The notification form with signature will be send back to the applicant
      4. Applicant sees to it the concerning NAO of that country will also sign the form (see www.europsyche.org section info EAP and then click on NAO)
      5. If there is no NAO, no National Umbrella Organisation, or no organisation suitable or willing to act as an NAO, a suitably qualified practitioner may receive the ECP on the recommendation of a NAO in another country so long as the practitioner becomes a member of that latter organisation and so long as that latter organisation is willing to apply the regulations of the ECP to that practitioner. Practically this means that the ECP holders can apply through a neighbouring country - which happens from time to time.
      6. When the notification form has all signatures the applicant can send the form + EAP ECP registration form to EAP headoffice (see www.europsyche.org section contact)
  6. When as well the NOGT as EAGT secretary do not approve i. Office manager will send a letter to the applicant with explanation why the request is not approved, most likely some additional training/supervision or other reason is needed. ii. After the applicant has done the additional training the whole procedure starts over again.

Designed by Jaroslav Jira