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 Membership fee in Euros per year  
 Membership individuals (Associate Student)  € 20,-*
 Membership individuals (Retired Gestalt Practitioners) € 30,- 
 Membership individuals (Associate, Cooperative) € 65,-
 Membership individuals (Eastern European Countries) € 75,- 
 Membership individuals & Gestalt Practitioners in Organization (Ordinary) € 90,- 
 Double Membership (GT & GPO) € 120,- 
 Membership organizations (AM / CM <= 150 and Eastern European Countries) € 200,- 
 Membership organizations (AM / CM >150 <= 500) € 450,- 
 Membership organizations (AM / CM > 500)  € 800,-
 Membership organizations (OM <= 150) € 300,- 
 Membership organizations (OM >150 <=500) € 750,- 
 Membership organizations (OM > 500) € 1000,- 
*the entry fee is € 20,- per year with a maximum of 4 calendar years and will then automatically be converted into associate membership which comes to € 65,- per year 


In addition to the above listed organizational membership fee;

NOGT’s will pay € 30,= - on top of the organization membership fee - per year to cover registration- and re-registration costs.

You will receive an invoice with the fee to be paid via PayPal. When choosing to transfer money via bank I advise you to write the Paypal invoice number along with your email address in the comments field.
For bank details you can check the invoice you receive.

Internet banking payments are free of charge if the transfer goes from one SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) bank to another SEPA bank. EAGT has an account at a SEPA bank. 









Designed by Jaroslav Jira