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The European Association for Gestalt Therapy (EAGT) was founded in 1985, with the aim of gathering European individual Gestalt therapists, Training Institutes and National Associations, of   promoting Gestalt therapy in Europe, combining and exchanging knowledge and resources, fostering a high professional standard for Gestalt therapy and encouraging research. Today over 1.000   members (institutional and individual) from more than 20 European Nations are already part of the association.

The EAGT functions through 3 main bodies, which are:

  • the Executive Committee made of 6 members: the President, Chair Training Standards Committee, the Treasurer, the Secretary, External Relations |NOGTs Officer and the Chair of the GPO committee.
  • the General Board made of all the representatives of National Associations, Executive Committee and Chairs of committees;
  • the Meeting of Members (which gathers at least once every year). Elections of all officers of the Board are held every 3 years.

The main documents which regulates the EAGT are:

  • the Statutes and Bylaws;
  • the Training Standards;
  • the Code of Ethics.

More about EAGT:

EAGT is an EWAO; which means an European Wide Accrediting Organization and as such a member of EAP. EAGT has to re-register itself every 5 years and during the EAP-Meetings which were held from February 14th – February 15th 2014 in Florence, Italy EAGT was re-registered for another 7 years (till 2021).

Designed by Jaroslav Jira