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The EAGT Newsletter is a tool to let the Members know what is discussed in the General Board and in other Committees and working groups of the EAGT and will be spread twice per year (in May and December). Editor of the EAGT Newsletter is Lars Berg from Sweden.

You also can find all former Newsletters here .

But where you, our individual and organisational members and/or similar organisations, aware of the possibility we also sell space in our Newsletter for advertisements? You can advertise for instance for a seminar, conference or a new education program (just to give you an impression).

Some details about printing your copy:

- it will only be printed in black & white,

- irregularities are reserved,

- we also reserve the right to say NO to unacceptable/indecent advertisements,

- we, nor our advertisers and editor, are never liable for misprints of any advertisement.

For more details you can mail our office manager, Wilma, her email address is: info@eagt.org





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