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      Ms Sophia        

Sofia Verulashvili -

Secretary of the Executive committee of European Association for Gestalt Therapy


Sofia – psychologist, psychotherapists, 24 years of private practice as a psychologist, psychotherapist, supervisor, coach, trainer and lecturer. She is an Accredited Gestalt Therapist and Supervisor of European Association of Gestalt Therapy.

Sofia is the founder and Vice-President of Georgian National Association of Gestalt Therapy (Georgian NOGT), the President of Psychologists and Psychotherapists Association (PPA, Tbilisi, Georgia); the founder and General Director of Caucasus Institute of Gestalt Therapy and Family Psychotherapy (CIGTFP, Tbilisi, Yerevan, and Baku). Since 2000 she has been giving lecture courses at various universities in Georgia. Sofia is an Associated Professor of Saint Andrew the First-Called Georgian University of the Patriarchate of Georgia and University of Georgia. At the moment she teaches “Basic Psychotherapy Modalities”, “Complementary Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology”, “Couple Psychotherapy”, "Couple and Family Psychotherapy" on the faculty of Psychology of Master Programs at the above- mentioned Universities.

Sofia leads 2 training programs by EAGT and EFTA standarts in Gestalt therapy and family psychotherapy in Georgia, where she invites leading world experts in both modalities participated by students coming from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Israel, Germany, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Latvia, Italy and etc.  Sofia has a psychotherapeutic practice with individuals, couples, families and groups and also works with organizations. She holds therapeutic and training groups, seminars on Family Therapy and Gestalt Therapy in Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Ukraine.

“I have always been very meticulous about following the professional standards even as a student. I am myself into an ongoing therapy, supervision and intervision. I actively work on my personal and professional growth and development, enhancing my qualifications and professional competencies. I am willing to commit to working on a team, assuming personal responsibility, cooperating with colleagues from various countries. I have a good sense of humor and curiosity and I can be patient, flexible, reliable and precise.  EAGT is an important part of my identity. For the past decades, I have been developing and promoting it in Georgia and beyond, and encouraging many to become members of EAGT and they did become; I keep inspiring many of my colleagues to join the association and I will keep it going”.




Olaf Zielke

Treasurer of the Executive committee of European Association for Gestalt Therapy

He is living and working in Hannover, Germany as a teacher and Gestalt therapist. Was member of the board of the German association of Gestalt therapy (DVG), German representative in the General Board of EAGT for almost 20 years. The last 9 years member of the Training Standards Committee.

He is interested in Gestalt theory and likes the roots of Gestalt therapy.





  Michal Lewandowski  

MichaƂ Lewandowski

Chair of Gestalt Practitioner in Organizations, Acting President of EAGT 

Michal combines organisational consulting, training and coaching activities with psychotherapeutic practice.Affiliated with the Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw. Founder and leader of the School of Gestalt Practitioners in Organizations in Poland. 

"Mature and emotionally resilient individuals form effective teams. At the same time, a system such as a team or organization is able to strengthen or weaken this individual maturity and resilience, achieve synergy of individuality, or promote their collision or absence. The mechanisms behind it often determine motivation, creativity, commitment, and satisfaction of people, and as a result, development and even survival of the organization. That is why my interventions cover the individual, th team and organizational levels. It is a fascinating and inspiring process of discovering, correcting, and building together. That's what I do."







Daina Udovicich Corelli , 
Chair TSC,  member Executive Committee    


Daina is a clinical psychologist and gestalt psychotherapist living in Rijeka, Croatia.  She works at the Public health institute at the Department of mental health, and in her private practice Persona. She is a teacher and supervisor at the Gestalt training institute Psihika, working with students in Croatia.





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